May 19, 2024 Minutes of Meeting for Business
Posted: under General News, Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
May 19, 2024
Present: Timmy Bullock, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright, Julie Snow, Alison Levie, and Michael Wajda.
We gathered in the Senior Center for meeting for worship with attention to business.
The meeting opened with a period of worship during which the clerk read the following 1980 quotation from Parker Palmer:
In a Quaker meeting, for worship or for business, there is more than waiting and silence. There is also speaking for one’s self and feeling the weight of the words of others. The quest for truth among Friends is meant to be corporate, not a private reverie. The leading of the gathered group is to be trusted, and when you or I speak we must be willing to test our truth against the truth received by others.
Parker Palmer, 1980, cited from The Spirit of the Quakers by Geoffrey Durham, p. 189
The recording clerk read the minutes from our March 17 meeting for business for information.
2024-14. Alison Levie circulated a draft State of the Meeting report that she and Timmy prepared following our meeting for learning to consider the State of Society queries sent by New England Yearly Meeting. The draft reflects well the reflections shared during our meeting for learning in April. Interestingly, it includes some concluding queries addressed to ourselves to reflect further consideration of ways we can continue to grow. It was suggested that we use these concluding queries for a future meeting for learning. The meeting approved the draft as written. Our clerk will forward the report to yearly meeting and Alison will bring it to Northwest Quarterly Meeting.
2024-15. Michael Wajda provided a brief update on our new website. He and Gabrielle have been working on the content since enrolling with the Quaker Meetings Network, the Quaker website hosting service being operated by British Friends.
Our new website was just launched publicly this month. There is content about Quaker spirituality, a welcome to newcomers, and an events calendar active. There are two embedded QuakerSpeak videos, one entitled “9 Core Quaker Beliefs” and the other entitled “My First Time at Quaker Meeting.” There is also a “Contact Us” option with two choices of topics, Discuss Quaker Beliefs and General Questions. Each topic sends an email to different persons. Currently, General Questions go to Timmy. Quaker Belief questions go to Michael. Any of this can be changed and topics can be added. Michael wondered about adding the option for questions about children in meeting, but didn’t feel we are prepared at this time to address them.
Michael and Gabrielle also are working on a “Quaker Resources” section with links to other Quaker organizations and information. Gabrielle hopes to be able to have some items posted within the next few weeks, while she is recuperating from her foot surgery.
The “intranet” or internal-facing site will take a little longer. They are working on posting the minutes of Ministry and Counsel, Meetings for Business, and financial reports for the past year. They also plan to set up an easy way to for meeting members to get into that part of the site, which will not be public.
Friends are encouraged to check out the current content of the website and to offer feedback to Gabrielle and Michael. Here is the url: to the new website. The meeting expressed its gratitude to Gabrielle and Michael for their work on this undertaking.
2024-16. New England Yearly Meeting has arranged for Kenyan Quaker, Getry Agizah, to visit and speak with local meetings here and in New York Yearly Meeting during this month and June. Getry will speak about her experiences of working for peace in the aftermath of the violent Kenyan elections in 2007-2008, and how they used what they learned to create more peaceful elections afterwards. Getry’s experience and guidance may prove valuable to us as we prepare for what may be a time of fraught emotions and tensions before, during, and after our upcoming presidential election.
Getry will be in this area on Tuesday May 28 and Michael and Alison have agreed to host her at their home with a potluck open to the public. Michael circulated a draft press release about Getry’s visit. We hope that the event will attract as broad an audience as possible. The meeting expressed its support and appreciation to Michael and Alison for hosting this event.
2024-17. Marsh Hudson-Knapp has circulated a calendar requesting groups to sign up to provide one or more of the Sunday community suppers. Timmy and Michael are recommending that we work with the Peace and Justice group to handle the meal on September 29, which is a fifth Sunday. The Newbold family has already to committed to helping on fifth Sundays, so it is a good fit for our meeting. Our biggest need is to collect enough food for 100 meals and 150 desserts. The meeting approved helping on September 29.
The meeting closed with a period of worship.
Michael Wajda
Recording Clerk
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May 19 2024