Bennington Friends Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Conducted by Zoom
April 12, 2020
Present: Timmy Bullock, clerk, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright, Alison Levie, Lucie Mckee, Edward Cady, Priscilla Tracy, Joseph Tracy, Eliza Navias-Bell, and Michael Wajda.
The meeting opened with a period of worship.
The minutes of our February 16, 2020 meeting for business were read for information.
The meeting canceled its March 2020 meeting for business because of the coronavirus crisis. Friends have been isolating at home since mid-March 2020.
2020-11. Juliet Wright, our Treasurer, read the list of contributions totaling $5,800 stated in our tentative 2020 meeting budget. She also read the list of special contributions totaling $3,700 that we approved and sent earlier this calendar year. Additionally, there is $300 assigned to the children to give to charitable organizations. They are still discerning that distribution. Juliet also reported that the meeting has a balance of $20,303.40 currently in our checking account.
The meeting approves the disbursement of the current budgeted contributions to be sent by the Treasurer. The meeting also approves having the Treasurer mail our rent check to the Senior Center, even though we are not currently meeting there in person.
2020-12. In early April the meeting started holding its meetings for worship online via Zoom. Following an initial experiment with a free Zoom account, which limited us to a 40-minute gathering, the meeting asked Michael Wajda to convert his free account to a paid account, which allows us unlimited use. The meeting now formally approves this expense of $15.89 a month including tax for as long as we need to meet remotely.
The meeting also authorizes the Treasurer to renew our subscription for Friends Journal, if necessary, and to pay the rent for our post office box.
The meeting closed with a period of worship.
Michael Wajda
Recording Clerk