Minutes for Meeting for Business October 20,2019
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center
Bennington, VT
October 20, 2019
Present were Timmy Bullock, clerk, Priscilla Tracy, Eliza Navias-Bell, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright and Alison Levie
How ardently we need to pray, if we are to escape the ravages of our own disillusioned, frustrated, dried-up egoism.
Pierre Ceresole, cited from The Spirit of the Quakers
Geoffrey Durham
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quotation.
2019-36 Meeting confirms Juliet Wright’s appointment as treasurer as of January 1, 2020; transitional details will be organized with the current treasurer, Eliza Navias-Bell.
2019-37 Eliza Navias-Bell reported on behalf of the finance committee.
2019-38 We, as a meeting, are concerned that our balances are in excess of our needs. For better stewardship and to express our community commitment, we recommend maintaining a prudent reserve of at least one year’s budget which is roughly $14,000.00, but in order to start movement towards our desired balances we recommend spending a total of $20,000.00 over a five-year period. Determinations of recipients would be made during the fourth quarter of each calendar year. Meeting may revisit this decision at any time. This will begin in the fourth quarter of this calendar year.
2019-39 To reflect our ongoing concern with the climate crisis, meeting for business affirms finance committee’s request that Quaker Earthcare Witness be added as a line item to our annual contributions in the amount of $300.00. We may wish to consider a contribution from the fourth quarter special disbursements.
2019-40 Meeting for business acknowledges a naming committee of Priscilla Tracy, Eliza Navias-Bell and Auberta Galusha that will come up with names for the recording clerk position.
2019-41 The clerk will be in touch with Carl Williams to discuss possible steps forward in relation to Rosemary Zimmerman’s membership.
2019-42 Meeting for business approves our support of Quaker City Unity’s request to host the June 2020 Quarterly meeting in honor of their meeting house’s 200th anniversary, with the understanding that Wilderness Meeting must be consulted as co-hosts. But we also want to undertake to support the June meeting in any way that we can.
2019-43 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of Interfaith Council. Auberta asked Michael Wajda to attend the Interfaith Council meeting with her on Tuesday. Meeting releases Michael to discern whether he is so led.
The meeting ended with a period of silent worship.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Present were Timmy Bullock, clerk, ex-officio, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright
and Eliza Navias-Bell
Pastoral concerns discussed.
19-15 Ministry and Counsel asks meeting for business to consider supporting Quaker City Unity Meeting request to take over the June 2020 Quarterly Meeting in honor of their 200th year anniversary. As a co-host, Wilderness Meeting is also being consulted.
19-16 With regret Ministry and Counsel accepts Eliza Navias-Bells decision to step down from serving on Ministry and Counsel at this time.
19-17 Ministry and counsel asks meeting for business to consider our recommendation to consult with the Quarter on the issue of Rosemary Zimmermans membership in Bennington Friends Meeting.
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Oct 21 2019