Minutes for Meeting for Business, April 21, 2019
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center
Bennington, VT
April 21, 2019
Present were Timmy Bullock (clerk), Juliet Wright (recording clerk), Eliza Navias-Bell, Priscilla Tracy, Lucie McKee and Auberta Galusha
I find that I have little to say about techniques of ministry; instead, I am led to speak, as I often have before, about the ground out of which all ministry flows. It is good to remember that all ministry is one, and should flow from the same source. This is true of what we call ministry in a meeting for worship just as it should be true of everything which happens in a meeting – for worship – for business, for in that meeting we are ministering through our decisions either to ourselves or to the world beyond us…..
William Taber 1988
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation from William Taber.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
2019-13 Priscilla Tracy reported on behalf of Ministry and Counsel.
2019-14 Meeting for business welcomes Eliza’s leading on a workshop on Quaker process at her house. Date to be determined.
2019-15 Eliza Navias-Bell reported on behalf of finance committee.
2019-16 Meeting for business thanks Eliza Navias-Bell for her report. Meeting for business authorizes that all annual contributions be made, including $300.00 for the BROC garden fund.
After a period of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Present were Timmy Bullock, clerk, ex-officio, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright
and Eliza Navias-Bell
Pastoral concerns discussed.
19-6 Ministry and Counsel recommends that we work to build on the Woolman retreat that we felt was both energizing and uplifting. We are also seeking ways to hold ourselves accountable.
19-7 Ministry and Counsel recommends discussing holding a retreat on Quaker process to be led by Eliza Navias-Bell and held at her home.
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Apr 22 2019