Minutes for Meeting for Business for Sunday, January 27, 2019
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center
Bennington, VT
January 27th, 2019
Present were Juliet Wright (acting clerk), Eliza Navias-Bell (acting recording clerk), Lucie McKee, Dorothea Izzo, and Auberta Galusha
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
2019-1 Juliet Wright gave an update about the proposed retreat on John Woolman on Sunday, April 7. We are expecting some pre-reading suggestions in the next few weeks. On the 7th, Ruah Swennerfelt and Louis Cox will be here for worship and First Day School, followed by potluck and then their skit of 30-45 minutes, which is designed to prompt questions and discussions. We should be done by 3PM, and will probably need two sitters or chaperones.
2019-2 Meeting approves the allocation of $1,500 from the sufferings budget to the Coalition for the Homeless if there have been no requests on that budget by November 15, 2019.
2019-3 Meeting discussed the submission of Joseph Tracy’s article for the Speaking of Religion column in the Bennington Banner. We are unclear if Joseph has submitted it to the Banner or not; he has not signed up with Bob Weigers, who is coordinating those submissions. Further clarification needs to be made.
2019-4 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of the Interfaith Council.
2019-5 There is a scheduling conflict on February 24th, 2019; we are planning to worship at Pat Adams and Arnold Ricks’ house AND have a discussion of the Faith of Practice revision on pastoral care. Meeting approved rescheduling the discussion for March 24th, with March 31st as a fall-back date. Copies of the current and proposed versions should be distributed and read prior to the discussion.
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Jan 29 2019