Minutes for Meeting for Business August 19, 2018
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center,
Bennington, VT
August 19, 2018
Present were Timmy Bullock, clerk, Juliet Wright, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha, Dorothea Izzo, Eliza Navias-Bell, Lucie McKee and Marj Davis
Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to still and rest in God.
Thomas Keating
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with corrections.
2018-33 Priscilla Tracy reported on behalf of ministry and counsel.
2018-34 Meeting for business recommends a threshing session on the discussion of the Frances Ross Legacy on the September meeting for business date. Leadership clerk to be determined. Our decision comes with the understanding that any last minute decisions regarding our October 20th will be discussed at the September Ministry and Counsel Meeting.
2018-35 Meeting for business determined that meeting for business should continue to be held on the third Sunday of the month.
2018-36 Eliza Navias-Bell, our treasurer, gave us a second quarter treasurer’s report, for which we thank her. Meeting for business recommends possibly increasing the budget for First Day school if the children want to participate in off-site Quaker activities. After the third quarter finance report, meeting may wish to consider an additional contribution to New England Yearly Meeting.
2018-37 Meeting for business has decided that $600.00 will be offered to Peter Blood-Patterson; up to $150.00 will be authorized for child care.
2018-38 Meeting for business urges us to give strong consideration to using the Newbolds’ house for the October 20th retreat.
2018-39 In respect to Pat Adams request for meetings at her house, the meeting asks the clerk to ask Pat whether she would be open to occasional after meeting for worship meetings.
2018-40 Meeting for business needs to add a minute on its approval of a reprint of the 1992 Scott/Inglis article for the Speaking of Religion column in the Bennington Banner. The article needs to retyped with corrections of misprints. The clerk will add a brief introductory sentence to the article.
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
August 12, 2018
Present were Timmy Bullock, ex-officio, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed.
18-9 Ministry and Counsel recommends considering an article by Ursula Scott and Elspeth Inglis that was written for the Bennington Banner in 1992 as a submission to the Bennington Banner Speaking of Religion Column, with perhaps an introductory paragraph.
18-10 Ministry and Counsel recommends exploring the use of the Old First Church Barn if Poultney joins us for our October 20th Retreat.
18-11 Ministry and Counsel recommends a continued exploration of uses for the Frances Ross legacy gift: at this point recommendations center around the library, environmental concerns, and food insecurity. However, Ministry and Counsel recommends deferring discussion of the Frances Ross Legacy until meeting for business in September.
18-12 Considerable discussion took place on the distinction between what’s appropriate to a threshing session and what’s more appropriate to meeting for business; also discussed was how we can better hold ourselves to the right ordering of a meeting for business.
18-13 Ministry and Counsel recommends considering moving meeting for business to the fourth Sunday of the month. The reason of particular concern is having a preliminary information on the agenda made available to meeting.
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Aug 20 2018