Minutes for Meeting for Business, June 17, 2018
Posted: under General News.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center,
Bennington, VT
June 17, 2018
Present were Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy, Dorothea Izzo, Auberta Galusha, Eliza Navias-Bell, Joseph Tracy and Juliet Wright
Seeking the Truth with impartiality, trying to live the Truth…and speaking the Truth without ego investment, hostility, or selfish involvement, is always a service. It means that we can collaborate…with people who do not understand fully what we know, and that we need not “preach” at people in the unhelpful way which is so justifiably and widely feared by nonviolent advocates.
Daniel A. Seeger, 1986
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
2018-24 Meeting for business recommends with pleasure the new membership of Rosemary Zimmerman. The clerk will write a formal letter and will notify New England Yearly Meeting.
2018-25 Eliza Navias-Bell reported on behalf of the finance committee. Meeting for business thanks the treasurer, Eliza Navias-Bell, and accepts the finance report.
2018-26 Meeting has learned that the full amount of the disbursement of the Frances Ross bequest will be $17, 901.92. On receipt, meeting authorizes the treasurer to send a check to Claremont Monthly meeting in California for one half of the $17,901.92. The clerk will write a letter to Claremont Monthly Meeting. The meeting will hold a special meeting to discuss how we might use these funds.
2018-27 Meeting for business welcomed Pat Adams’ suggestion for a worship at her house. Tentatively, we are looking at Sunday, July 29, as well as a Sunday near to February 24, the date of Arnolds’ death.
2018-28 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of the Interfaith Counsel.
The meeting closed with a period of silence.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Present were Timmy Bullock, ex-officio, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha, Juliet Wright, Dorothea Izzo, Eliza Navias-Bell and Rosemary Zimmerman
Pastoral concerns discussed.
Ministry and Counsel recommends formal acceptance of Rosemary Zimmerman’s request for transfer of membership to Bennington Friends Meeting.
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Jun 23 2018