Minutes for Meeting for Business June 18, 2017
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center,
Bennington, VT
June 18, 2017
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Arnold Ricks, Auberta Galusha, Eliza Navias-Bell, Lucie McKee, Timmy Bullock and Juliet Wright
…It is good to remember that all ministry is one, and should flow from the same source. This is true of what we call ministry in a meeting for worship just as it should be true of everything which happens in a meeting – for worship – for business, for in that meeting we are ministering through our decisions either to ourselves or to the world beyond us…
William Taber, 1988
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quote by William Taber.
The minutes for meeting for business for April 16, 2017 were read and approved.
2017-20 – Priscilla Tracy reported on behalf of ministry and counsel.
2017-21 – Meeting for business approves Eliza Navias-Bell as treasurer. The meeting recognizes, with pleasure, the service that Sheila Mann has provided to the meeting and will make a donation of $250.00 to the Right Sharing of World Resources in her name. Timmy Bullock will draft a note of appreciation and let Sheila know the organization to which we will be contributing to on her behalf.
2017-22 – The meeting reflected on the minutes for 2016 and developed the following queries
for reflection on the State of the meeting in lieu of the State of the Society Report:
1. We need to be good stewards and need to seek to work with together with others in our community, especially the Interfaith community.
2. We start to do things and don’t follow through. Like the chanting. Maybe we shouldn’t start so many things and we would get more done.
3. We don’t include enough subsequent reflection whether it is an activity we do. We don’t have a reflection at the next meeting. We put a lot of time in to trying to do a connection for a camp. We should have formally acknowledged the results of this ground work in our minutes. We need to set ourselves a task of writing a formal reflection.
4. The chanting and the friendly bible study. We said we were going to do another Friendly Bible study and it was left by the way side. We need formal reflections and they need to be written down.
5. There is interest in a study on non-violence and the meeting approaching the idea of returning the world church to a non-violent stance. We said we would include that when we talked about Faith and Practice. This is still outstanding.
6. How can we participate and connect with Quarterly meeting in the future?
7. Positive feedback for the permaculture project and environmental concerns.
8. Our donations of funds for the middle school food project was a high point in our meeting activities.
9. Same people are on M & C year after year. No nominating committee. How can we incorporate new people into the committees and meeting tasks instead of the same people all the time?
10. The John Dear letter will be included into the discussion of the Faith and Practice pacifism discussion.
11. The categories that one Friend noticed as being significant are our connection to the community, bible study, permaculture and the environment, Faith and Practice revision, and the our involvement with the larger Quaker body.
12. How do we address absorbing new attendees while managing the limited number of members in the meeting in light of our goals?
13. We need to consider worship. This is a state of the meeting and we are focusing on the business part of the meeting. We need to consider reflecting on our worship.
Juliet will send these questions out on Google Groups for Friends to prepare for a formal reflection at the July meeting for business.
2017-23 – Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of Interfaith Council.
After a period of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed.
Ministry and Counsel recommends reflecting on the State of the Meeting during meeting for business in July.
17-11 Ministry and Counsel recommends Eliza Navias-Bell for the position of treasurer for the meeting. We also recommend that the meeting send Sheila Mann, the former treasurer, a thank you card for her service to the meeting over the years.
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Jun 27 2017