Minutes for Meeting for business April 16, 2017
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens’ Service Center,
Bennington, VT
April 16, 2017
Present were Timmy Bullock, Auberta Galusha, Eliza Navias-Bell, Arnold Ricks, Priscilla Tracy, Joseph Tracy, and Dorothea Izzo
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Priscilla Tracy reported for Ministry and Counsel
2017-17 Arrangements have been made for the presentation of the checks to Mount Anthony Middle School for Helen Fields’ Community Food Project. Timmy Bullock and Lucie McKee will make the presentation on Tuesday, April 25, taking the opportunity to introduce the students to Friends’ presence and principles, as well as the content of the letter included with the original donation to BFM.
2017-18 We thank Lucie McKee for the letter from Barbara True-Weber at the local chapter of 350.org. We seem to be united in our desire to support climate change advocacy, particularly a Vermont carbon tax and rebate, but are not sure which organization we wish to support toward that end. Joseph will draft a letter on our environmental concerns which may be distributed to Vermont friends’ meetings and the Northwest Quarter.
Eliza Navias-Bell reported for the Finance Committee.
2017-19 All three proposals from the Finance Committee were approved.
Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of Interfaith Council.
After a period of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Eliza Navias-Bell, acting recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed.
17-11 Ministry and Counsel is working on the dates for the presentation of the checks to Mount Anthony Middle School for Helen Fields Community Food Project. The possibilities are Monday, April 24, Tuesday, April 25 and Thursday, April 27. Ministry and Counsel reminds us that we need to plan our presentation for our meeting with Helen and the students.
17-12 Jean McCandless has been in touch with Timmy about attending our meeting for the purpose of promoting our attendance at Yearly Meeting. Timmy will be in touch with her to suggest Sunday, May 14 as an option for her visit.
17-13 Ministry and counsel discussed the celebration to be held on Sunday, May 21, “My journey with Quakerism; where have my shoes taken me and where are we headed?” Friends need to bring their own chair, as well as a hat for the sun. The meeting will purchase premade sandwiches and we are asking that a couple of Friends make cookies. Timmy will make lemonade and Priscilla will make iced tea.
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Apr 27 2017