Minutes for Meeting for Business August 16, 2015
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center,
Bennington, Vermont
August 16, 2015
Present were Timmy Bullock, Juliet Wright, Bain Davis, Eliza Navias-Bell and Auberta Galusha
…We, as evangelists of each other, must have it as our first duty not to preach but to listen. We must practice an open and sensitive awareness which allows us to listen not merely to each other’s theology but to what the other person is. By doing this we will begin to live in such a way that we neither crush nor dominate nor entangle our companions, but rather help them to be themselves, and bring them to fulfilling service for the benefit of the larger Society of Friends. We will aim for transparency of heart; we will never manipulate ach other’s consciences, or try to force other members of our Religious Society into our own scheme of things. No one will seek a procedural victory, or a formulation for faith and practice, and the advancement or postponement of a concern, which leave someone else defeated.
Daniel E. Seeger, 1985, from Daily Reading From Quaker Writings Ancient and Modern (repeat from 2013)
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation from Daniel E. Seeger.
2015-21Timmy Bullock reported on behalf of Ministry and Counsel. The minutes are appended.
2015-22 Meeting for business affirms that we should invite the members of the McWaters Permaculture Gardeners to our retreat.
2015-23 Meeting for business is deferring the September meeting for business until Sunday, September 27, 2015.
2015-24 Meeting for business commits to being interested in exploring the idea of a possible outreach to young school age children that would take place during school spring vacation; the outreach would be centered on peace making. This idea comes out of hearing about Yarmouth (Cape Cod) program on Dr. Seuss and peacemaking. The clerk will be in touch with Yarmouth (Cape Cod) Meeting to obtain materials on their program.
2015-25 Meeting for business authorizes the clerk to investigate the voluntary carbon tax that members of some meetings such as Mt. Toby are imposing on themselves.
2015-26 Meeting for business approves an additional $200.00 contribution to New England Yearly meeting to help meet the $44,000.00 shortfall in the NEYM budget.
2015-27 Eliza Navias-Bell reported on behalf of the finance committee. The minutes are appended.
2015-28 Meeting for business approves increasing its contribution to AFSC by $100.00; annual budget should be adjusted to show increase to $400.00.
2015-29 Meeting for business authorizes the treasurer to send checks for the second half of the designated amount to Greater Bennington Interfaith Community Services, FCNL and Greater Bennington Peace & Justice Center.
After a period of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Timmy Bullock, clerk ex-officio, Auberta Galusha, and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed
15-13 Ministry and Counsel thinks it a good idea to invite the members of the McWaters Permaculture Gardeners to our retreat.
15-14 Ministry and Counsel recommends deferring the September Meeting for Business to Sunday September 27, 2015.
15-15 Ministry and Counsel discussed a possible outreach to young school age children that would take place during school vacation; the outreach would be centered on peace making. This idea comes out of hearing about Yarmouth (Cape Cod) program on Dr. Seuss and peacemaking.
15-16 Ministry and Counsel asks meeting to investigate the voluntary personal carbon tax that members of some meetings such as Mt. Toby are imposing on themselves.
Comments (0) Aug 26 2015