Minutes for Meeting for Business March 16, 2014
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center,
Bennington, Vermont
March 16, 2014
Present were Priscilla Tracy, acting clerk, Juliet Wright, Eliza Navias-Bell, Auberta Galusha and Dorothea Izzo
Our manner of doing business truly under the guidance of the spirit is one of our Quaker distinctives…Being led by the Spirit is possible. It does work. But it must be grounded in loving community, it must come out of genuine worship, and it must be sought without agenda. This is no small task.
Christopher Sammond, General Secretary, NYYM
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation from Christopher Sammond.
The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business for January 19, 2014, which were approved.
2014-05 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes for Ministry and Counsel for February and March, which were approved and are appended.
2014-06 Meeting for business approves the transfer of membership of Eliza Navias-Bell from Valley Friends in Dayton, Virginia to Bennington Friends Meeting. We wish to welcome her with an after potluck celebration and her sharing of her spiritual journey on April 6.
2014-07 Meeting for business approves doing the State of the Meeting report as a committee of the whole. We will perform this task starting on the fifth Sunday of the month of March. Members and attenders are encouraged to come with suggestions, queries and concerns.
2014-08 Meeting for business approves inviting Carl Williams and his group of Friends to visit our meeting in preparation for sharing possibilities of participating in the New England Yearly Meeting Sessions in Castleton, Vermont in August. We request having the clerk contact him to make arrangements. We also suggest arranging a potluck for their visit.
2014-09 Meeting for business approves renewing our subscription to Friends Journal. We request having the clerk contact the treasurer to renew the subscription.
2014-10 Meeting for business recommends working on the Young Friends letter on the second Sunday in April after meeting for worship.
The meeting closed with a few moments of silence.
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Timmy Bullock clerk ex-officio, Auberta Galusha, Eliza Navias-Bell, Dorothea Izzo and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed.
14-4 Ministry and Counsel recommends accepting the transfer request of Eliza Navias-Bell from Valley Friends Meeting in Dayton, VA to full membership in Bennington Friends Meeting.
14-5 Ministry and Counsel asks meeting for business to consider doing the state of the meeting report as a committee as a whole.
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha, and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns discussed
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Mar 17 2014