Minutes for Meeting for Business January 19, 2014
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center,
Bennington, Vermont
January 19, 2014
Present were Timmy Bullock, clerk, Juliet Wright, Arnold Ricks, Priscilla Tracy, Eliza Navias-Bell, Auberta Galusha and Dorothea Izzo
Here is where Friends can contribute to community by refusing to follow the religious individualism of our times. Behind these new movements lies the assumption that truth is totally subjective – one truth for you, another for me, and never mind the difference. But when we understand truth that way then the truth we are given will have no chance to transform society or ourselves. If we affirm community we must risk that our partial versions of truth will be enlarged or even made uncouth by the light given to others.
Parker J. Palmer, 1980
Out of the silence, the clerk read the above quotation from Kenneth C. Barnes.
The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business for October 20, 2013, which were approved.
2014-01 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes for Ministry and Counsel for December and January, which were approved and are appended.
2014-02 Meeting for business affirms supporting Eliza Navias-Bell’s participation in the Woolman Hill workshop Mindful Mortality. The request is for $95.00; the total cost for the weekend is $190.00.
2014-03 Meeting for business proposes that Eliza Navias-Bell serve as a second signatory for signing checks. She is giving the proposal consideration.
2014-04 Meeting for business reflected on Beth Cheadle’s life and offered some insights and stories that Arnold Ricks and Timmy Bullock build on in drafting a memorial minute.
After a few moments of silence, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
December 8, 2013
Meeting of Ministry and Counsel
Present: Priscilla Tracy, Clerk, Auberta Galusha, Beth Cheadle, Timmy Bullock, ex-officio
Pastoral Concerns were discussed.
13-18 Ministry and Counsel recommends that NEYM consider using the anticipated $1.1 million legacy to NEYM to support funding energy efficiencies in monthly meeting houses as well as in the houses of members and attenders in those monthly meetings.
13-19 Priscila Tracy will bring a draft of preliminary thoughts for a response to the letter from the NEYM Young Adult Friends Climate Working Group that draws on our post potluck discussions on climate change.
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Present were Priscilla Tracy, Timmy Bullock clerk ex-officio, Auberta Galusha, and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns were discussed.
14-1 Ministry and Counsel recommends supporting Eliza Navias-Bell’s participation in the Woolman Hill workshop Mindful Mortality. The request is for $95.00; the total cost for the weekend is $190.00.
14-2 Ministry and Counsel notes that Beth Cheadle was the person who routinely signed the meeting’s checks. Timmy’s name is on the signature card at the bank but would like the meeting to consider designating another person to be empowered to sign checks.
1-3 Ministry and Counsel has organized refreshments for Beth Cheadle’s memorial meeting on February 8. We are requesting that Meeting for business needs to work on writing a memorial minute.
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Jan 21 2014