Minutes for Meeting for Business November 18, 2012
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Worship for the Conduct of Business held at the
Senior Citizens Service Center
Bennington Vermont
November 18, 2012
Present: Timmy Bullock, Clerk, Eliza Navias-Bell, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha, Arnold, Ricks, Priscilla and Joseph Tracy.
Out of the silence the Clerk read the attached passage.
The acting recording clerk read the minutes of our October Meeting for Business, which were approved.
2012-60 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes from Ministry and Counsel, which were approved and are appended
2012-61 Clerk Timmy Bullock presented an outline for our offering of a mini-Quaker Quest program to the Bennington College Interfaith Worship Group at 7:00pm on Friday, November 30. We shall present essentially what we offered at Poultney in October. Arnold Ricks is to present essentially an historical approach to Friends’ worship, Priscilla Tracy will read Beth Cheadle’s statement read at Poultney, and Joseph Tracy will also speak on Friends’ Meeting for Worship.
The meeting approved encouraging the College Interfaith Group to make the contribution it wishes to offer us to Friends Seminary School in New York City. The funds would be designated for the benefit of those associated with the School who sustained great loss as a consequence of Hurricane Sandy.
2012-62 The Meeting approved designating Priscilla Tracy to be responsible for purchasing bread and cheese for Sunday lunch at Quarterly Meeting in Middlebury. Those attending will need to leave Bennington by 2:00 pm on Saturday.
2012-63 Arnold Ricks reported for the Financial Committee; see the financial statement attached. The Meeting decided that we would contribute our Christmas collection to Friends’ Right Sharing of World Resources in the name of our volunteer Treasurer, Sheila Mann.
2012-64 Auberta Galusha reported on the latest meeting of the Interfaith Council.
The meeting closed in silence.
Timmy bullock, Clerk,
Arnold Ricks, Acting Recording Clerk
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Present were Priscilla Tracy, clerk, Timmy Bullock, clerk ex-officio, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns were discussed.
We discussed details of the Christmas Party and planning for Quarterly Meeting.
18-12 The Bennington College students wish to make a donation to meeting as a thank you for the Quaker Quest program on November 30; Ministry and Counsel would like to suggest that instead of money coming to the meeting, we encourage the students to make a contribution to an organization that is doing Sandy relief work.
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Nov 25 2012