Minutes for Meeting for Business, August 19, 2012
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting for Worship for the conduct of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
August 19, 2012
Present: Timmy Bullock, Clerk; Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk; Beth Cheadle, Arnold Ricks, Bain Davis, Priscilla Tracy, Auberta Galusha and Eliza Navias-Bell.
“The meeting for business cannot be understood in isolation; it is art of a spiritual discipline.”
John Punshon, 1987, cited from Britain’s Faith & Practice (3rd edition); 2.85
2012-40 The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business July 22, 2012, which were approved with corrections. They are appended.
2012-41 Priscilla Tracy reported on behalf of Ministry and Counsel.
2012-42 Meeting for business approved Ministry and Counsel’s recommendation for the format for our October 6 retreat, with the schedule amended to have presentations on both Worship and Peace followed by Small Group Discussions. Presenters on the topic of Worship will be Arnold Ricks, Timmy Bullock and Beth Cheadle; presenters on the topic of Peace will be Joseph Tracy, Bain Davis and Auberta Galusha. We are going to undertake a practice session for ourselves at our September potluck. During the retreat we will ask Priscilla Tracy and Eliza Navias-Bell to hold the gathering in the Light.
2012-43 Arnold Ricks reported on behalf of Finance Committee. We have determined to pay all of our contributions, with the amount for GBICs to be discussed by the meeting as a whole and to be determined at the next meeting for business.
2012-44 Arnold Ricks reported on behalf of Nominating Committee, with meeting for business approving its recommendations: Auberta Galusha will serve another term on Ministry and Council. Mary Ann St. John will continue as clerk of Finance Committee.
After a brief period of silence, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, Clerk
Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Present were Priscilla Tracy, clerk, Timmy Bullock, clerk ex-officio, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns were discussed.
11-13 Ministry and Counsel recommends that we use an abbreviated version of Quaker Quest to introduce Quakerism to the Poultney families who will be attending. We will focus on worship and peace as topics, with three designated speakers for each topic. We will also provide a glossary of Quaker terms. For preparation , we suggest a preliminary presentation of our program at the first Sunday potluck in September.
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Aug 26 2012