Minutes for Meeting for Business, Sunday, April 15, 2012
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting for Worship for the conduct of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
April 15, 2012
Present: Timmy Bullock, Clerk; Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk; Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha, Arnold Ricks, Priscilla Tracy.
Dispatch business quickly,
And keep out of long debates and heats…
Be swift to hear,
And slow to speak,
And let it be in the grace,
Which seasons all words.
George Fox, 1690, cited from Plain Living: A Path to Quaker Simplicity, p. 42,
by Catherine Whitmire
2012-20 Out of the silence the recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business for March 18, 2012. They were approved as read.
2012-21 Priscilla Tracy, Clerk of Ministry and Counsel, read the minutes of its meeting on April 8, 2012, which are appended.
2012-22 Meeting for business approves buying two more compact discs from Rise Up Singing to help Juliet and us learn new songs.
2012-23 Meeting for business approves resuming the third Sunday readings in September and omitting June, July and August.
2012-24 Meeting for business resolves to take up the proposal proceeding from our peace testimony that we undertake to work with and through the Interfaith Council – and also the Peace Resource Center and other possible channels – to bring to public awareness the inordinate and disproportionate allocation of national resources to the military. This disproportion comes with a correspondingly excessively harsh critique of social programs. We are asking an ad hoc committee consisting of Auberta Galusha, Bain Davis and Arnold Ricks to explore the implementation of this concern.
2012-25 Arnold Ricks reported on behalf of the Finance Committee meeting held April 10, 2012. The report is appended.
2012-26 Meeting for business approves adding a line for the administrative expenses of the Interfaith Council to the budget. The new budget figures will be $540.00 for Interfaith Food and Fuel Fund and $60.00 for Interfaith Council administrative expenses. The clerk will be in touch with Sue Andrews to determine whether the GBICS rent is a recurring or one-time commitment.
2012-27 Meeting for business agreed with the Finance Committee recommendation that the treasurer should defer writing checks for our contributions until after a review of the budget at the end of the second quarter.
2012-28 Meeting for business approves the suggestion of a young attender speaking of their spiritual journey. We will also invite one of our long time attenders or members to speak at the same meeting for worship. This would entail shortening meeting for worship to 45 minutes for the second Sunday in the month of May.
After a few moments of silence, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, Clerk Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel Meeting
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Present were Priscilla Tracy, clerk, Timmy Bullock, clerk ex-officio, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns were discussed.
5-12 Ministry and Counsel recommends to business meeting that it approve buying two more compact discs from Rise Up Singing to help Juliet and us learn new songs.
6-12 Ministry and Counsel recommends that we continue the third Sunday readings but but consider omitting the summer months of June, July and August.
Ministry and Counsel discussed ways that Friends can build on Friends testimonies to reach into the community. No decisions were reached. We are asking meeting for business for any ideas that anyone has that they want to follow up on.
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Apr 19 2012