Minutes for Meeting for Business March 18, 2012
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting for Worship for the conduct of Business
Held at the Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
March 18, 2012
Present: Timmy Bullock, Clerk; Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk; Beth Cheadle, Bain Davis, Auberta Galusha, Arnold Ricks, Priscilla Tracy.
In a Quaker meeting, for worship or for business, there is more than waiting and silence. There is also speaking for one’s self and feeling the weight of the words of others. The quest for truth among Friends is meant to be corporate, not a private reverie. The leading of the gathered group is to be trusted, and when you or I speak we must be willing to test our truth against the truth received by others.
Parker Palmer, 1980, cited from The Spirit of the Quakers by Geoffrey Durham, p. 189
2012-15 Out of the silence the recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business for February 19, 2012. They were approved as read.
2012-16 Priscilla Tracy, Clerk of Ministry and Counsel, read the minutes of its meeting on March 11, which are appended.
2012-17 Meeting for business encourages the clerk to explore with the regular attending students how the meeting can be helpful to them. Are there ways that the meeting could be more helpful to them?
2012-18 Meeting for business asks that Ministry and Counsel reflect on ways that Friends can build on Friends testimonies to reach into the community.
2012-19 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of Interfaith Council. Meeting for business asks finance committee to clarify the components (Food and Fuel, rent, clinic support) of Greater Bennington Interfaith Community Service and also to consider the $60.00 requested for administrative support for Interfaith Council.
After a few moments of silence, the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, Clerk Juliet Wright, Recording clerk
Minutes for Ministry and Counsel Meeting
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Present were Priscilla Tracy, clerk, Timmy Bullock, clerk ex-officio, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
Pastoral concerns were discussed.
3-12 Ministry and Counsel recommends having the clerk contact the regular attenders among the Bennington College students to see if they are willing to share their spiritual journeys with us. We also will ask them what would be a way for them to come to know us better.
4-12 Ministry and Counsel has successfully updated the directory with current contact information. Hard copies will be available on March 18.
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Mar 29 2012