Minutes for Meeting for Business, November 20, 2011
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
November 20, 2011
Present were Timmy Bullock, Juliet Wright, Priscilla Tracy, Beth Cheadle, Arnold Ricks, Auberta Galusha and Bain Davis
It is not in differing from one another
That disunity arises –
it is in not listening to God
and each other.
Kenneth Sutton, 1989, cited from Plain Living: A Quaker Guide to Simplicity
Catherine Whitmire
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quotation from Catherine Whitmire, A Quaker Guide to Simplicity.
2011-61 The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for business October 16, 2011. They were approved with corrections.
2011-62 Priscilla Tracy reported on behalf of Ministry and Counsel. The minutes are appended.
2011-63 The meeting approves of Ministry and Counsel’s suggestion to have a meeting for worship to be held at Maurice and Peggy Kahn’s home. Date and time to be arranged in consultation with Maurice and Peggy.
2011-64 The meeting approves Ministry and Counsel’s suggestion for a Christmas party theme: “The Decorations of Your Life: How can you simplify your life? What is decorating your life that you can get rid of?” Each person would bring an ornament that symbolizes a thing, idea, habit etc., to hang on the tree and then speak to how and why it unnecessarily decorates your life. A second ornament would symbolize something positive that you are working towards, something you aspire to. The date will be Sunday, December 18th. Worship will be as usual, followed by potluck, singing, and group activity.
2011-65 During the Christmas party we will collect contributions to be divided between The Right Sharing of the World’s Resources and The Heifer Project.
2011-66 As developed by Beth Cheadle, meeting for business has approved the personal profile, with some amendments. We will revue the edits at the December Meeting for Business. We will work on completing the personal profile as a group on January 1, 2012.
2011-67 Meeting for business will be on Sunday, December 11, 2011.
2011-68 Beth reported on the on-going work on the committee seeking readings by strong Quaker voices. The readings will center on Quaker concerns and testimonies.
The committee will report at our December meeting for business.
2011- 69 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of the Interfaith Counsel. Friends efforts in leading the discussion on end-of-life issues were much appreciated.
The meeting closed with a few moments if silent worship.
Meeting of Ministry and Counsel
November 14, 2011
Present: Timmy Bullock, Beth Cheadle, Auberta Galusha and Priscilla Tracy, clerk
19.11 Ministry and Counsel suggests a special Meeting for Worship to be held at Maurice and Peggy Kahn’s home. Date and time to be determined.
20.11 We suggest a possible Christmas party theme: “The Decorations of Your Life: How can you simplify your life? What is decorating your life that you can get rid of?” Each person would bring an ornament that symbolizes a thing, idea, habit etc., to hang on the tree and then speak to how and why it unnecessarily decorates your life. A second ornament would symbolize something positive that you are working towards, something you aspire to. Suggested date is Sunday December 18th. The tentative agenda would be to worship as usual and then have potluck, singing and group activity.
21.11 Ministry and Counsel recommends adopting the personal profile form developed by Beth Cheadle as a basis for a memorial minute. Timing and implementation to be determined.
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Nov 23 2011