Minutes for Meeting for Business April 17, 2011
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship on the Occassion of Business
Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The unity we seek depends on the willingness of all of us
To seek the truth in each other’s utterances; on our being open
To persuasion; and in the last resort on a willingness to recognize and accept
The sense of the meeting as recorded in the minute, knowing that
Our dissenting views have been heard and considered.
Quaker Faith and Practice of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain
Present were Beth Cheadle, Juliet Wright, Auberta Galusha, Bain Davis and Arnold Ricks.
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quotation from Quaker Faith and Practice of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain.
Recording Clerk Juliet Wright read the minutes of the March Meeting for Business.
2011-24 Auberta Galusha read the minutes for Ministry and Counsel meeting on April 10, 2011, which are appended.
2011-25 The situation of an exchange student at Mount Anthony Middle School in whom Helen Fields is interested and who has the possibility of continuing his education at Oakwood Friends School has been brought to our attention. The meeting is asking for more information. Ehsan Noori, the student in question will be invited to attend our meeting for worship as well as our May meeting for business to share his plans with us.
2011-26 Auberta Galusha reported on behalf of the Interfaith Counsel. The meeting will share the October rental cost of the GBICS new food distribution center with the Bahai’s. Friends meeting will contribute $200.00. The Bahai’s will contribute $150.00.
2011-27 Auberta and Beth will go through our children’s books to see what we can donate to the Community Service Student Leaders at Bennington College African Library Project.
2011-28 Our May 1st post potluck discussion on the history that led to divisions among Friends will be led by Arnold Ricks with readings from Rufus Jones, Howard Brinton and Elias Hicks.
2011-29 The meeting will purchase ten spiral bound copies of the Worship in Song, A Friends Hymnal for use during our second and fourth Sunday singing sessions.
2011-30 Bain Davis reported on the New England Yearly Meeting Pastors conference.
The meeting closed in silence.
Beth Cheadle, Co-Clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
April 10, 2011
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Co-Clerk, Bain Davis, Priscilla Tracy Co-Clerk, Auberta Galusha
Pastoral Concerns were discussed.
09.11 Ministry and Counsel encourages the meeting to discuss the possibility of helping to support the secondary education of an Afghani student, Ehsan Noori, who will be attending the Oakwood Friends School for the coming school year.
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Apr 27 2011