Minutes for Meeting for Business March 20, 2011
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Business
March 20, 2011
As thou beginnest with the Spirit, keep to it in thy going on and conclude in it, and this will preserve thee from tiring thy brethren, and causing them to wish for thy silence.
Samuel Bownas, cited in The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship, p. 109
By George Gorman, Swarthmore Lecture 1973
Present were Timmy Bullock, Juliet Wright, Auberta Galusha, Arnold Ricks, Bain Davis, Joseph Tracy, Priscilla Tracy, and Beth Cheadle.
In the silence at the beginning of the Meeting Co-Clerk Timmy Bullock read the above quotation by George Gorman.
Recording Clerk Juliet Wright read the minutes of the February Meeting for Business.
2011-15 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes for Ministry and Counsel meeting on March 8, 2011, which are appended.
2011-16 The meeting for business affirms Ministry and Counsel’s minute: “Ministry and Counsel recommends extending the “experiment” with our worship through June. We recognize that we are still learning how to define the intent of what we undertake on first and third Sundays, but we do not find that what we have experienced so far has detracted from worship; indeed, that it has expanded our worship experience.”
2011-17 Meeting for Business asks Arnold Ricks, in consultation with Bain Davis, to come up with some readings in an effort to answer the following question: What was the history that led to the divisions among Friends and how did that manifest itself in FUM personnel policy? This discussion to be held after our May potluck lunch, is preparatory to a discussion of FUM personnel policy.
2011-18 Timmy Bullock reported on behalf of Finance Committee. The minutes are appended.
2011-19 Meeting for business has determined that we will reduce our Sufferings, Special Appeals and Friendly Grants appeals by $100.00 each and those monies will be reinstated as a $300.00 annual contribution to AFSC.
2011-20 Meeting for business has determined that we will further reduce our Sufferings budget by $200.00 and those funds will be forwarded to GBICS to help meet the rental costs of the new food distribution center. Berta Galusha will be in touch with the Bahais to determine if they can contribute the remaining $150.00 towards the rent.
2011-21 Meeting for business approves that the annual donation to NEYM will by sent by 6/30; the other half is to be sent at the end of the fourth quarter.
2011-22 Meeting for business asked that Arnold Ricks be in touch with Bob Condon for the date of the memorial service to be held locally for Marie Condon.
2011-23 Meeting for business has affirmed that we will hold our State of Society discussion at our June potluck.
The Meeting closed in silence.
March 8, 2011
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Co-Clerk, Bain Davis, Priscilla Tracy Co-Clerk, Auberta Galusha
Pastoral Concerns were discussed.
07.11 Ministry and Counsel recommends extending the “experiment” with our worship through June. We recognize that we are still learning how to define the intent of what we undertake on first and third Sundays, but we do not find that what we have experienced so far has not detracted from worship; indeed, that it has expanded our worship experience.”
08.11 Ministry & Counsel recommends setting aside a time to discuss the FUM personnel policy using Alan Taplow’s quite extensive collation of minutes and letters. These can help frame any reflections as we proceed; we would also add to Alan’s summary the various related minutes that the Bennington Meeting has drafted in the past three years.
Comments (0) Mar 23 2011