Minutes for Meeting for Business, Sunday May 16, 2010
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Sunday, May 16, 2010
“…Whatever the theology a modern Friend puts into that pregnant and powerful term Truth, it is still possible to be in a disciple relationship to it, to the presence of the living Christ, the Inward Teacher, to the Holy Spirit. If we come to the business meeting with the intention of being disciples, we are eagerly teachable and reachable and malleable in the hand of the loving Teacher.”
Bill Taber on Meeting for Business, edited by Michael Birkel, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 406
Present were Timmy Bullock, co-clerk, Juliet Wright, Beth Cheadle, Arnold Ricks, Peggy Kahn, Maurice Kahn, Auberta Galusha, Priscilla Tracy and Joseph Tracy.
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quotation.
2010-27 The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for worship on the occasion of business for April 18, 2010. They were approved.
2010-28 The minutes for Ministry and Counsel for May 6, 2010 were read, approved and are appended.
2010-29 In preparing for retreat, meeting for business encouraged Ministry & Counsel to continue to build, or shape, a retreat on the theme of “outreach,” as we recognized the need to tie the worship and spirit life of the meeting with any ministry – spiritual, social, political – offered to the larger community. We recognize that useful, valid ‘ministry’ can only emerge out of meaningful worship. How do we seek that inspiration and leading, the moving spirit that will speak to us and will spark a corporate unity? How can we become more effective? We have agreed that the retreat will be held on September 25-26.
2010-30 The minutes for Finance committee were read, approved and are appended. Business meeting has recommended disbursing one quarter of the budgeted $1700.00 to NEYM and one third of the budgeted $300.00 to NW quarter, with the understanding that the remainder of our contribution will be tendered later in the year.
2010-31 In addressing a house on School Street that Janet Spitz pointed out as available, Arnold Ricks will this week undertake to determine the zoning regulations, look up the property on the tax assessment rolls, and speak with the zoning administrator. If it appears that the property is viably zoned, Friends may wish to view the property.
After a period of silent worship the meeting adjourned.
Timmy Bullock, Co-Clerk
Juliet Wright, Recording Clerk
May 6, 2010
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy (Co-Clerks), Bain Davis, Auberta Galusha and Beth Cheadle
Pastoral Concerns were discussed
13.10 Ministry & Counsel discussed how to build, or shape, a retreat on the theme of “outreach,” as we recognized the need to tie the worship and spirit life of the meeting with any ministry – spiritual, social, political – offered to the larger community. To shape our discussion, we suggest using the questions, “What is the value/identity of worship group? What is the value/identity of a Monthly Meeting? And what is the difference between them?” We recognize that useful, valid ‘ministry’ can only emerge out of meaningful worship. How do we seek that inspiration and leading, the moving spirit that will speak to us and will spark a corporate unity?
Bain Davis has proposed co-leading these discussions with Jonathan Vogelborne, with our specific request that we carry the Saturday retreat over into Sunday worship. The dates suggested for our annual retreat are September 25-26, two weeks after NY Quarterly meeting.
Comments (0) May 22 2010