Minutes for Meeting for Business December 20, 2009
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Sunday, December 20, 2009
If it were necessary for every member in the meeting to feel equally happy about the decision reached, we should be presuming to be settling matters in an angelic colony and not among flesh and blood members of a local Quaker meeting! From my point of view as a member… the kind of unanimity that is referred to is a realization on my part that the matter has carefully and patiently been considered… Even if the decision finally goes against what I initially proposed, I know that my contribution has helped to sift the issue;… and I may well have.. come to see it somewhat differently from the point at which I began… I have also come to realize that the group as a whole finds the resolution that seems best to them. When this point comes, if I am a seasoned Friend, I no longer oppose it.. and I emerge from the emitting not as a member of a bitter minority.. but rather as one who has been through the process of the decisions and is willing to abide by it…
Douglas V. Steere, “Some Dimensions, of the Quaker Decision-making Process,” 5/15/82 cited from Daily Readings from Quaker Writings, Ancient & Modern, Edited by Linda Hill Renfer
Present were Timmy Bullock, Jane Radocchia, Priscilla Tracy, Beth Cheadle, Maurice Kahn, Peggy Kahn, Ruth Hawes, John Maloney, Arnold Ricks, Auberta Galusha and Juliet Wright
After a brief period of silence, the clerk read the above quote from Douglas V. Steere.
2009-75 The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for worship on the occasion of business for November 15, 2009. They were accepted with minor changes.
2009-76 Minutes from Ministry and Counsel were read, approved and are appended.
2009-77 The meeting accepts the recommendation of the transfer of membership for Sam Humes. We invited Sam to speak to his association with Friends in January or February.
2009-78 Sunday, January 24 will be the date on which the meeting can discuss the Wilderness Meeting letter concerning FUM’s personnel policies.
2009-79 Business meeting accepts the 2010 budget as recommended by finance committee. There will be a mid-year review of the budget as contributions become clear and we will consider adding a budget line for AFSC later in the year.
2009-80 Friends will defer a discussion on the Friends Journal crisis to the next meeting for business.
After a few moments of silence the meeting adjourned.
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Timmy Bullock, co-clerk
December 11, 2009
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy (Co-Clerks), Auberta Galusha, Beth Cheadle
Pastoral Concerns were discussed.
26.09 Ministry & Counsel has received a request for the transfer of membership of Samuel Humes from the Belgium and Luxembourg Monthly Meeting to the Bennington Monthly Meeting. Ministry & Counsel recommends accepting the transfer of membership to our meeting.
27.09 Ministry & Counsel suggests Sunday, January 24, as date on which the meeting can discuss the Wilderness Meeting letter concerning FUM’s personnel policies.
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Dec 24 2009