Minutes for Meeting for Business Sunday October 18, 2009
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Remember Who is in charge, to just rest in God’s love. If you can’t come to unity right away you can almost always let it go until the next meeting (but do follow up on unfinished business).
Cited from a letter on the nature of clerking, Sally Campbell, Morningside Meeting, New York, NY, cited from October 2009 Friends Journal, page 32.
Present were Beth Cheadle, Juliet Wright, Joseph Tracy, Peggy Kahn, Maurice Kahn, Arnold Ricks, Auberta Galusha, Bain Davis, Ruth Hawes and Priscilla Tracy.
Out of the silence at the beginning of the meeting, Co-Clerk Beth Cheadle read the above words from Sally Campbell.
Recording Clerk Juliet Wright read the minutes for meeting for business for September 27, 2009.
2009-67 The discussion on the Wilderness Meeting letter to Northwest Quarterly Meeting will be deferred to the next meeting for business. In the meantime, Co-Clerk Beth Cheadle will call Joanna Bombadil to get clarification on the appropriate action of individual meetings in this regard and will also get a copy of the letter.
2009-68 Joseph Tracy will act as recording clerk for meeting for worship on the occasion of business on Sunday, November 15, 2009, in the absence of Recording Clerk, Juliet Wright.
2009-69 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes of the Ministry and Counsel meeting held October 7, 2009, which were approved and are appended.
2009-70 Business meeting approves having Joseph Tracy lead a discussion group on the roots of our Christian faith, using the book Beyond Belief, the Secret Gospel of Thomas, by Elaine Pagels. We will buy 12 copies, to be given to or purchased by Friends. The discussions will begin on Sunday, December 6 during post potluck discussion. We will open these discussions to the public. Ministry and Counsel will further consider the planning details of this group.
2009-71 The Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 19, 2009 at the Old First Church Barn, at 4:00pm. We will be soliciting volunteers to serve on the planning committee beginning next Sunday. Auberta Galusha and Beth Cheadle are serving on the committee.
After a period of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Beth Cheadle, co-clerk
October 7, 2009
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy (Co-Clerks), Bain Davis, Auberta Galusha and Beth Cheadle
Pastoral Concerns Discussed
20.09 Ministry & Counsel will appoint a clearness committee for our friend, Auberta Galusha, who has requested a clearness committee regarding a vocational opportunity in her life.
21.09 Ministry and Counsel has agreed to participate in the 350.Org celebration of concern on Saturday, October 24. Our goal is to assemble ten f/Friends for a silent worship of 35 minutes, to conclude at the agreed-on hour of XYXYXYXY. We will ask the ten f/Friends participating to bring some iteration of a bell, which, in coordination with other churches in the community, will be rung at the designated hour.
22.09 Ministry & Counsel has asked several f/Friends to organize a Christmas party and to work to develop a theme for the party.
23.09 Ministry & Counsel recommends using Beyond Belief, The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels as a basis to discuss the roots of our Christian faith. Pagels juxtaposes the gospel of Thomas with that of John to underscore the shifts in doctrinal emphases in the first centuries of Christianity. The discussions would be led by Joseph Tracy, and, tentatively, we see a schedule that would include post potluck discussions as well as some midweek meetings. We suggest that the discussions be open to the other faith communities of Bennington and surrounding area.
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Oct 24 2009