Minutes for Meeting for Business, September 27, 2009
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Business
Sunday, September 27, 2009
When we are humble, we are able to wait and be silent. We can wait, for we do not expect that we should immediately understand each question from within or have a response to each query from without…
Being able to wait enables us to listen. We are good listeners when others have something to say, and we will hear them out if we think it fit or timely to do so. But even more, we are good listeners to our own inner voices which often speak slowly and indistinctly.
William O. Brown, Transcendence in the Pursuit of Wholeness,
Illinois Yearly Meeting, 1978 Jonathan Plummer Lecture,
Cited from Daily Readings from Quaker Writings, Ancient & Modern, edited by Linda Hill Renfer
Present were Timmy Bullock, Co-Clerk, Juliet Wright, Priscilla Tracy, Bain Davis, Maurice Kahn, Peggy Kahn, Ruth Hawes, Beth Cheadle, Co-Clerk, Joseph Tracy and Arnold Ricks.
Out of the silence at the beginning of the meeting Co-Clerk Timmy Bullock read the above words from William O. Brown.
Recording clerk Juliet Wright read the minutes for meeting for business August 23, 2009.
2009-59 Priscilla Tracy read the minutes of the Ministry and Counsel meeting held September 9, 2009, which were approved and are appended.
2009-60 The meeting would like to have the post potluck October discussion on text for the Mayfest bookmark to be as wide ranging as possible; we can narrow the selections of quotations at a later date. The meeting will keep in mind the possibility of collating all the quotations for our meeting.
2009-61 The Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at the Old First Church Barn. Ministry and Counsel will discuss the theme with the idea of reflecting on the word “gifts” and/or “shoes.”
2009-62 Meeting has approved Bain Davis leading the November post potluck discussion on spirituality and sexual ethics; materials should be distributed beforehand.
2009-63 Arnold Ricks reported on behalf of the nominating committee. Business meeting approved nominating committee’s recommendation of Auberta Galusha as a member of ministry and counsel.
2009-64 Meeting reflected on the retreat, held on September 19 at Pompanuck Retreat Center. It is our sense that the retreat was a positive experience. We will forward a check for $750.00 to Callid and Kristina Keefe-Perry within a month. We are still awaiting a statement on expenses but are comfortable that the amount designated is appropriate.
2009-65 The discussion on the Northwest Quarterly Meeting Wilderness Meeting letter will be deferred to the next meeting for business.
2009-66 In their next meeting ministry and counsel will consider the way we are to participate in the October 24 350.org action concerning global warming. Ministry and counsel will consider the possibilities that have emerged from meeting for business.
After a period of silent worship the meeting adjourned.
************************************************************************September 9, 2009
Meeting of Ministry & Counsel
Present: Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy (Co-Clerks), Bain Davis and Beth Cheadle
Pastoral Concerns discussed
17.09 In the October post potluck workshop, the workshop leaders will seek meaningful quotations rooted in Friends beliefs and language that succinctly express Friends persuasions. These are to be used on the bookmark that would be distributed at Mayfest.
18.09 Tentative date for annual Christmas party, December 19; theme to be developed.
19.09 With an explicitly stated agenda to be a more broadly based mandate than a focus on same gender relationships, NEYM has asked meetings to reflect on how our experience of spirituality converges with sexual ethics practiced. A working group of Yearly Meeting has developed materials and queries to help in directing our discussions, and Ministry & Counsel recommends that Bain Davis lead a preliminary discussion on this topic at our November 1 potluck luncheon.
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Sep 29 2009