Minutes for Meeting for Business May 17, 2009
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
May 17, 2009
“…Wherefore let whatsoever is offered, be mildly proposed, and so left with some pause, that the meeting may have the opportunity to weigh the matter, and have a right sense of it, that there may be a unanimous and joint concurrence of the whole. And if anything be controversial that it be in coolness of Spirit calmly debated, each offering their reasons and sense, their assent, or dissent, and so leave it without striving. And also that but one speak at once, and the rest hear. And that private debates and discourses be avoided, and all attend the present business of the Meeting. So will things be carried on sweetly as becomes us, to our comfort: and love and unity be increased: and we better serve Truth and our Society.
Wiltshire Quarterly Meeting 1678, cited from Britain Yearly Meeting Quaker Faith and Practice
Present were Juliet Wright, Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy, Joseph Tracy, Peggy Kahn, Maurice Kahn, Auberta Galusha, Arnold Ricks and Jane Radocchia.
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quote from the Britain Yearly Meeting Quaker Faith and Practice.
2009-35 the minutes for meeting for worship on the occasion of business from April 26, 2009 were read and approved.
2009-36 the ministry and counsel minutes were accepted. They are appended.
2009-37 Jane Radocchia, treasurer, reported on behalf of the Finance Committee. The report is approved and minutes are appended. The meeting supports sending the $1700.00 to New England Yearly Meeting and one half of the contributions to BROC, FCNL, FUM, FWCC, FGC, Interfaith Food and fuel Fund, Vermont AFSC, and RShWrldRes, by June 30 if possible. It encourages the finance committee to review contributions close to June 30 in making this determination. Friends are encouraged to keep in mind the pressing need of these organizations and to make their contributions to meeting as early in the year as they can.
May 6, 2009
Present: Timmy Bullock, Maryann St. John, Jane Griswold, Treasure
We reviewed the treasurer’s report, and as expected, noted that contributions are down; currently for the first quarter they are running at about one half of the 2008 contribution figure. We noted several budget lines that might be reduced, but we decided to defer any recommendations until after June 30, the second quarter. In the meantime, we recommend sending our annual contributions of $1700 as support for New England Yearly Meeting.
2009-38 Mayfest update – Juliet Wright reported. Everything is in place for Mayfest.
2009-39 On Saturday, May 16, 2009, the wedding under the care of the meeting of Sadelle Wiltshire and Ann Coakley was accomplished after the manner of Friends with a large attendance, including many Friends from Bennington and Putney meetings. There were many messages, including poems and songs.
Timmy Bullock, acting clerk
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
May 10, 2009
Ministry & Counsel Minutes
Present: Timmy Bullock, Priscilla Tracy and Fanny Culleton
Pastoral Concerns were discussed.
10.09 Ministry & Counsel suggests a June 7 post potluck ice cream welcome for Bain and Marj Davis and Ruth Hawes, whose memberships have been formally transferred from Cornwall (NY) Meeting to the Bennington Monthly Meeting.
11.09 Ministry & Counsel has asked the clerk to be in touch with potential retreat leaders for our annual retreat, preferred date Saturday, September 19. At our April 26 meeting for business, we started with the query posed by Ministry & Counsel, “The Spirit of Quaker process, what does it address other than a helpful way to do business?” We will ask for guidance from leaders in shaping a topic and program that speaks to the April 26 meeting for business minute that seeks “…to develop a topic on the power of sprit-led silence.”
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May 31 2009