MFB December 08
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business held at the Senior Citizens Service Center, Bennington, Vermont
December 28, 2008
If the process by which we discover the sense of the meeting is to work, we must be willing to lay aside personal needs and grievances; we must be willing to reach beyond what you or I want. When I am able to set my ideas aside, and you are able to set your ideas aside, doors are opened, which allow solutions to inter on a shaft of Light.
Barry Morley, Beyond Consensus; Salvaging Sense of the Meeting (Pendle Hill Pamphlet #307)
Present: Timmy Bullock (Acting Clerk), Ann Coakley, Auberta Galusha, Maurice Kahn, Peggy Kahn, Arnold Ricks, Priscilla Tracy, Sadelle Wiltshire.
Out of the silence at the beginning of the Meeting the Clerk red the above passage from Beyond Consensus by Barry Morley.
2008 – 88 Timmy Bullock as Clerk of Ministry and Counsel presented the minutes of its meeting on December 14, which are appended. Each item of these minutes occasioned consideration by the Meeting. – Re paragraph 17.08: The Clerk of Ministry and Counsel will develop a schedule sheet for Friends who wish to visit Beth Cheadle. – Re 18.08: She will amend the ‘End of Life’ sheet, which will then be presented at our Meeting for Business in January. – Re 19.08: Following up earlier consideration by the Meeting, Friends approved the slightly revised Marriage Minute, and expressed appreciation to Ann Coakley for her care in the drafting. The Meeting also approved the letter composed by the Clerk of Ministry and Counsel for the transfer of Lee Loomis’s membership to Salt Lake City Friends Meeting.
2008 – 89 Arnold Ricks reported for the Site Committee, which met on December 3 in Beth Cheadle’s room at the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation. While the Tucker Masonic Lodge expressed a willingness to sell us their building on Bank Street in North Bennington without their continued presence, the reservations expressed by some Friend about taking over a structure so wholly identified with that secret society – even if we could afford it – has ended any further consideration of that property. (The Tucker Lodge has been notified.)
As to the Grant St. House, the Committee took note of the Called Meeting in November for consideration of that property, at which Friends concluded that there was no clear unity (“alack of passion” was noted at the time) to warrant proceeding further at this time. At present, then, we have no site under consideration.
The Meeting closed in silence.
Timmy Bullock, Acting Clerk Arnold Ricks, Acting Recording Clerk
.Ministry and Counsel Report
December 14, 2008
Present: Timmy Bullock, Clerk, Priscilla Tracy
16.08 Pastoral Concerns Discussed: What emerged from a mix of informal conversations as well as our formally convened Ministry and Counsel Meeting was the concern about a lowness of spirit and energy in individuals, committees and Meeting as a whole, this notwithstanding the acknowledgment of the real and grave concerns facing so many of our Meeting: job losses, dramatic drops in income, debilitating illnesses. Our tentative, very tentative, analysis leads us to question whether we suffer from a surfeit of expectations. Are we asking for perfection: variously, a perfection in the structure of worship, a perfection in responsiveness to the frail and the ill; a ringing responsiveness to the many worthy causes and concerns that may be passionate commitments for individuals in the Meeting? The burden of expectations seems such that it shadows such high points as our celebration of Cail and Mark’s marriage and our wonderfully renewing retreat. Does this sense of unfulfilled expectations lead to a falling away of commitment and attendance? But we also need to remind ourselves of the richness of our weekly hour of worship, that never fails to excite love and largeness of spirit. How can we build on the spirit?
17.08 Beth Cheadle faces a hospitalization and rehabilitation of long duration. To ensure regular visiting and care, Ministry and Counsel suggests a weekly rotation of visitors, anchored by Friends who live in Bennington. Ministry and Counsel also suggests scheduling a regular worship with Beth, possibly the first Saturday of each month after the Peace Vigil.
18.08 Ministry and Counsel suggests the adoption of the attached “End of Life” document, to be completed by every attender or member.
19.08 Ministry and Counsel presents the following, slightly revised Marriage Minute for adoption.
Bennington Monthly Meeting recognizes that faithful, spiritual and committed relationship exist between any two consenting adults, irrespective of gender. We will consider any couple, at least one of whom is a member of the Meeting, that seeks to come under the care of Meeting for marriage or celebration of commitment. As we come to clearness, following the New England Yearly Meeting marriage procedure, we will treat all couples with respect, care and love.
Comments (0) Dec 28 2008