MFB – Nov. 2008
Posted: under Minutes from Meeting for Business.
Bennington Friends Meeting
Minutes for Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business
November 16, 2008
“The various forms of personal and social witness commonly called “the Quaker testimonies” are not “ours” so much as a witness to the Spirit of Truth which we, among others, bear to the world. Friends past and present have been consistently convinced of certain aspects of Truth, and in trying to describe the essence of their witness have used words such as integrity, simplicity, peace, equality, and community. Our faith in continuing revelation means we expect that authentic and practical ways of witness will be given to those who are faithful.” Faith and Practice draft Chapter 4, pg. 2
Present were Juliet Wright, Arnold Ricks, Auberta Galusha, Bain Davis, Ruth Hawes, Jean Armstrong, Priscilla Tracy, Joseph Tracy, Maggie Pesce, Yzzy Pesce-Eneidi, Mary Ann St. John, Sadelle Wiltshire, and Ann Coakley.
Out of the silence the clerk read the above quote from Faith and Practice draft, Chapter 4, pg 2.
2008 – 80 The recording clerk read the minutes for meeting for worship on the occasion of business for October 19, 2008.
2008-81 Ministry and Counsel – Priscilla Tracy reported. The minutes are appended.
2008-82 Meeting for business approves the transfer of membership of Lee Loomis to Salt Lake City Meeting. Ministry and Council will use the services of Auberta Galusha and Arnold Ricks in drafting a letter to Salt Lake City Meeting.
There was a first reading of the marriage minute. Revisions were proposed and forwarded to Ministry and Council for consideration next month. Friends were comfortable with the intent of the minute and suggested changes were merely grammatical.
2008-83 Meeting discussed the need for assisting Beth in her ministry in her new circumstances. Sadelle offered to loan her a computer for her to try. A more permanent solution will be revisited at December meeting for business.
2008-84 Finance Committee – Mary Ann St. John reported. The minutes are appended. A request was made that, if possible, that a 2009 budget be made available for the December meeting for business.
Beth has kept a time line of calendar events. It was suggested that we continue the use of this. Berta will consult with the acting clerk on locating it.
2008-85 – Nominating Committee – Auberta Galusha reported. The minutes are appended.
2008-86 – Meeting for business approves Timmy Bullock to serve as acting clerk until such time as Beth Cheadle, clerk, will be able to resume her responsibilities as clerk.
2008-87 – Site Committee – Arnold Ricks reported. Minutes will be appended when available.
Following the site committee report it was suggested that a letter or call to the Masons occur to inform them of Friends lengthy procedure at reaching decisions in the subject of potentially purchasing their property.
Friends will be invited to visit the Masons Lodge after meeting for worship next Sunday.
After the a few moments of silent worship, the meeting adjourned.
Juliet Wright, recording clerk
Bain Davis, acting clerk.
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Nov 20 2008